🛸 Connecting Businesses with
Top Data Professionals
1 Video Interview at a Time!
81 sec TL;DR Video
⚗️ How The Hiring Pipeline Works
🦄 1.Receive
- We find find the top talents for you.
- Access a curated talent pool specifically tailored for your roles.
🕵️ 2.Review
- Review pre selected applicants’ pre-recorded video interviews and CVs at your convenience.
🤝 3.Employ
- Send a message to your top candidate and discuss final terms.
- No intermediaries involved.
🍧 Benefits
Reputation-Aware Recruitment
- Uphold your business reputation with our fair and transparent recruitment process, a step above traditional technical recruiters.
- With our real-time application tracking, ghosting is eliminated.
- This ensures a smooth candidate experience without the need for additional manual communication from your business.
Rapid Talent Access
- Access a pool of pre-screened, top-tier data professionals, handpicked to match your job requirements.
- Speed up your hiring process and secure top talent before your competitors.
Insightful Videos
- Gain deeper insights into candidates’ skills, personalities, and coding abilities.
- Make informed hiring decisions based on comprehensive video interviews.
- Standardized videos allow for apple-to-apples, objective comparisons.
Efficient Recruitment
- Save time and resources by reviewing pre-recorded interviews.
- Avoid scheduling hassles and select the best candidates without multiple interview rounds.
Progress Monitoring
- Monitor your candidate selection progress through our transparent dashboard.
- Stay updated about the status of your hiring pipeline.
Collaborative Decision Making
Our platform enables your team to collaboratively review and rate candidates.
Promoting a more comprehensive hiring process.
Streamlined Hiring
- A simplified hiring pipeline designed for businesses.
- Standardized CVs and video interviews allow for effective candidate comparison.
🍒 FAQs
- Q: How many job posts can we create?
A: There’s no limit. Create as many job posts as you need to meet your hiring requirements. - Q: How often are new candidates added?
A: We update our candidate pool daily with new professionals. - Q: Is there a fee for businesses?
A: We charge a percentage equal to the base salary of the professional you hire through our platform after successful hiring. Before posting a job, reach out to [email protected] for assistance so we can help you craft an optimal job post and agree on our fees. - Q: How do we know if a candidate has applied to our job post?
A: You will receive a notification in your dashboard when a candidate applies for your job post.
Video Interviews
- Q: Do we need special software to view pre-recorded interviews?
A: No, you can use any web browser, just click the links than go directly to YouTube to watch the interview. - Q: How secure are the pre-recorded interviews?
A: Videos are hosted on YouTube, but are set to be shareable only through a specific link, based on YouTube’s current guidelines. - Q: Can we share the profiles and interviews with other team members?
A: Yes, you can share the specific link with team members for evaluation.
Technical & Support
- Q: What do we do if we encounter technical issues?
A: Contact our support team through [email protected] for assistance. - Q: Is there a mobile app for businesses?
A: You can add a website icon to your home screen on iOS and Android. Currently, we are only web-based but we’re working on a mobile app.
International Focus
- Q: Can we use this platform for international hiring?
A: Currently, our main focus is the U.S. market, but we plan to expand internationally. Contact us at [email protected] if you have an international deal in mind. - Q: How do we know the “Right to work in USA *” status of international applicants?
A: Applicants fill out a “Right to work in USA *” question on their profile, providing you with their possible USA visa requirements (US Citizenship, Right to stay and work without limitations, Limited right to stay and work, Require visa sponsorship, Other).
Account Management
- Q: How do we update or delete our job post?
A: You can update or delete your job post directly from your dashboard. - Q: How do we delete our account?
A: You can delete your account by contacting our support team at [email protected]. - Q: How is salary negotiation handled?
A: Salary negotiations happen directly between you and the candidate on the Apply Script platform chat.